Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The Year of the Snake

In keeping with tradition, we have been celebrating Chinese New Year around our house.   The fifteen day celebration began on Sunday, honoring this upcoming year:  The Year of the Snake.   

It was the inspiration behind our art projects....

Making our "Good Luck" signs to hang around the house.

It is hard to know where Lucy will fall on the continuum as she gets older:  will she like these traditions of honoring her birth country?  Or will she think them unnecessary, only wanting to recognize the culture of the country she has lived in most of her life?  I have heard ramblings among the adoption community that each child is different in how they feel about these things;  some children yearn for a connection to their past, and some have no need for looking back on a culture that they have no personal memory of.   For now, we will do what we can to cherish those parts of Lucy’s heritage which are intricately woven into who she is.  

Trying my hand at a new recipe:  General Tso's Chicken (a healthy version)... It was wonderful!
On a website I was reading, they noted one trend that will mark the upcoming year of the Snake:
“A new-found ambition to greatness 
will inspire you to be all you can be, 
and provide you with the follow through 
to actually achieve your goals.”   

Doesn’t sound bad to me at all!  May we all find truth to this prediction in our own lives!

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