Tuesday, September 24, 2013

God verses Victim

Whenever I used to work (outside of the home, that is) there was one thing that usually sparked a nerve for me.   That was when one of my clients would display a pervasive victim mentality.  That, “woe is me”- “why does life treat me so bad” –“I have no control and have to let bad things just happen to me”- attitude.   Used to drive me batty.  I guess because it is so opposite of how I was taught and so contrary to my Christian beliefs.

Recently I had the great blessing of having coffee with someone who is a living, breathing example of courage, strength, and faith in action.  If ever there is someone who would be justified in their victim hood, it would be her.  That is because of the unbelievable trauma she endured for years as a child.   She truly was a victim, during formative years in her life, when she really didn’t have any control.  What she went through is beyond what most of us can comprehend.  

Yet over coffee, I didn’t once hear a bit of “woe is me” or “why did such horror happen to me?”  Instead, I heard a mentality of “God is so good” and “I forgive my trespasser” and “I am excited for what God has in store for me.”  I saw redemption and providence and grace.    I witnessed God in all His glory, working his undeniable mercy in the life of a young woman, who feels complete control and excitement over the life that is ahead of her.  

Her testimony is beyond my comprehension.   It moves me and inspires me.  It reminds me that no matter how bad things may be, there is hope, and there is peace, if we choose to believe.  It is a reminder of how good God is, and how when we choose to put our trust in Him and commit our lives to Him, anything is possible.   Anything.  

What a powerful message. 

One I pray I am able to teach Lucy during these early years in her life. 

God verses Victim?  I am choosing God... every. single. time.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

In real life. . . I think we'd be friends.


Lovely post.