Thursday, April 15, 2010

Blooms, Balls and "Bups"

There are many things blooming in our yard....some things welcomed (our beautiful crab-apple tree) and some things not (dandelions).   Lucy seemed to enjoy exploring it all this past weekend.  She also loved playing with her new pink ball.  On a side note, if you come for a visit, be warned that our girl now uses nose "bups" to get what she wants.  Has she already learned at such a young age that she can use her "cuteness" to manipulate?   (I know, I know....limits, Mama.)

1 comment:

Mary said...

I don't know what's cuter? The t-shirt? the nose bups with daddy? the ball (which looks like the perfect stability ball for a little girl!) seeing little Lucy explore nature? Well, of course your Lucy is the cutest of all!! You all look so happy! I love seeing these photos! Loved the Easter shots, too. Thanks for posting!