Tuesday, June 28, 2011

How Does Your Garden Grow?

If you look back to the "New Life" blog, you can see below how abundantly things are growing in our ‘Mother’s Day’ garden.   And thanks to my friend Mary, who gave me several seeds to try, there are also zinnias, cosmos, marigolds, parsley and cucumbers starting to thrive!   I even picked up a pumpkin plant the other day, and hope that come fall, we will have grown our own Halloween treasure.  Lucy helps observe, water, weed….and pick!   The entire venture has been more rewarding than I ever could have imagined. It has been a good reminder of an important life lesson: that when you work towards earning or gaining (or producing!) something, it takes on a much greater value than when it is just given to you. 

The garden has welcomed some new friends to our backyard….

It is fun to watch the deer, and chipmunks, and squirrels, and rabbits....but they better stay clear of our hard work!

On a different note, my nephew Vince came into town recently.  What a pleasure it was to spend time with him and observe what a mature, thoughtful, responsible young man he has become.   We had a wonderful visit. Lucy loves her cousin lots!

Whatever your adventures are this summer, I hope they are bringing you contentment and joy.  Try growing something...it is certain to help!

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