Wednesday, September 14, 2011

An Open Heart

Something interesting has been happening lately.  And it has to do with this:  an open heart will be filled.  Let me explain.    A common prayer I have said over the years, for those who do not know God, is that they learn to open their heart to Him.  I have always believed this is all it takes:  a simple willingness to know Him. And then through this openness, your heart will be filled in ways never before known.  I am now understanding that the more active you are in doing things to open your heart and let God into your life, the more He walks right in, and the greater the reward.  In other words, the more commitment you have in your actions to know Him, the more He fills your every thought and feeling.

Now, here is the interesting part.   This concept of opening your heart, and actively doing things for this process to occur….works just as well with our loved ones who have gone before us.   Yes, in my experiences as of late, my Mom has been filling my heart. I was contemplating the why of this… why now more than before.  And then I put it all together… my actions, albeit subconscious, have been lending to this.  Such things like:

~Reading the book “Finding Your Way after Your Parent Dies”
(thank you to my Mom’s childhood friend, Sister Rose Anne).

~Preparing for a talk for my mom’s group
(which required scripture reading and contemplation).

~Having lunch with a friend from my old church,
who reminded me of my Mom with her hospitality and love of family.

~Talking to my Mom more (both out load, as well as in my mind).

And do you know, my Mom has been walking right into my heart, letting me know in all kinds of little ways that she is still right here with me….filling me.

Here is one example…

I received a card in the mail last week.   As it usually goes, Lucy opened it.  Before I had even seen the card, read it, or known whom it was from, Lucy was in the other room saying “awww, Grammy.”   Curiously, I went to look.  It was a mass card--for my Mom--given by one of my friends (thank you, Hilary) that was sent by the Sisters and staff of Misericordia,  Heart of Mercy.  Obviously, there was no mention of “Grammy” in there… just my Mom's name and some other nice (typed) words.  We have never received something like this in the mail before.  How Lucy had the sense that this was something regarding Grammy can only be explained in one way:  my Mom was speaking through Lucy, letting her and I know, she is still right here with us….filling us.   The entire incident took my breath away.

 So, go ahead, try it…. Be open and active, and see what happens to your heart.

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