Thursday, October 27, 2011

Yin and Yang

Life with Lucy got a bit interesting yesterday.   Never a dull moment with a toddler, right?  So, our day involved a fire truck, a police officer and an ambulance, and no, we were not at some fall festival where it was “police day.”  Here is the story…

We were outside playing, when Lucy took a fall in her Little Tikes plastic wagon.   Initially I didn’t think much of it; she falls all the time.  I ran to pick her up, and asked her if she was okay.  My nonchalant attitude quickly changed when she did not respond to me and had a dazed look in her eyes.  Before I knew it, she had fallen into a cradled position in my arms, her eyes rolled back in her head, and her entire body became rigid.  I began running into the house to call 911 (never mind that my cell phone was in my pocket).  She regained consciousness rather quickly, but I still called 911 as she was pale with bluish lips.  Before I knew it, the entire entourage was at my house.  (I am not sure why they sent the fire truck?)  It seems that Lucy fell in just the right “sweet spot” (in her diaphragm area) and knocked the wind out of herself.   I learned that because young children breathe at a much more rapid rate than adults, they can pass out more quickly trying to catch their breath. The public servants who came to my house to help were terrific (all 15 of them!). They reassured this neurotic mom and made sure our sweet Lucy was okay….which she was. 

So, I can write about this casually now, as the ending to the story is a good one.  But at the time, there was nothing casual or easy about the situation.  After I had time to process it all, I realized that this was one of those situations where I wanted to call my Mom…not only during, but after, just to process it and talk about it.  There are just some things that you need your Mom for... 

But another thought I had was how life has a way of balancing itself out.  Bad things happen all the time, but if you look, you can find goodness follows right behind.   In this instance, Lucy fell, got hurt, but got to see an ambulance in her driveway, and ended up having a positive experience with medical professionals in her own house.  For me, I witnessed my child helpless and hurt, but I got through it and realized that these situations where I always thought I would need my Mom... I did okay with out her.  And on a larger more general scale, even though life has been difficult as of late, goodness has followed right behind, not allowing the difficult to dominate.   The beauty of fall, and all the wonderful activities that go along with it, have provided our family with just the balance that we need. 

Thank goodness for balance.

Lobenstein Farm
 St. Leon, Indiana


Young's Jersey Farm 
Yellow Springs, Ohio

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