Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Four Years Later

Kyley, Maddie Lu and Lucy.  The White Swan Hotel, Ghuanzhou, China (December, 2009).

"It is by chance that we met,
By choice that we became friends."
Henri Nouwen

We have tried over the years.

Emails and correspondence.

Discussion and attempts.

Trying to get these three "sisters" back together.   

For one reason or another, it never happened.

Until last weekend....

Maddie Lu, Kyley and Lucy... almost four years later.
And just like that, it was as though 4 years had never passed.

Kyley brought these Dora dolls for the girls.  They were a huge hit!

We are so grateful for Lucy's China sisters. 

They were her first friends.

They knew her before we did. 

They share similar stories.

Someday, they may share similar heartaches.

We hope they will always remain friends.

If we have anything to do with it...they will.

1 comment:

beth said...

what a WONDERFUL reunion !!!