Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Through Her Eyes

Today is the feast day of St. Marcella.   I am not sure how many families actually celebrate the feast days of their patron saints, but this is something we have always done in our family... a tradition my Mom started.  So it seemed only appropriate that after all the years and all the feast days that my Mom recognized for us, that I take a moment to remember her on this special day.

Last year around this same time, our entire family was together in Indy for my Mom's feast day (as well as my brother's birthday).   Who knew then what we know now: that it would be our last time together as a family. (reminder:  savor every moment)  It was a joyful occasion, and I am so grateful for those memories.   

The following was sent in an email from my Mom...

to my friend Mary....

in anticipation of all of our arrivals:

"Ray and Jessica are coming here next weekend for a visit.  We are keeping our fingers crossed for no more snow.  Last year when they were supposed to come to IN for Lucy's baptism, all the airports on the east coast were closed due to horrific winter weather.  I hope that doesn't happen again this year.  They wanted to come now, since they do not want to travel closer to the baby's due date of May 15.  Karen, Brian, and Lucy will be here also...always great to have the family together. "

It is those last words that mean so much.   I am eternally grateful that her last days on this earth were blessed with health, happiness...and family. 

And how ironic that today is an unseasonable warm day (61 degrees and sunny).  No snow this year Mom! Lucy and I have been outside enjoying it, and celebrating this wonderful occasion of your special day.

Happy Feast Day Mom!

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