Thursday, December 10, 2009

more photos Day 8


Grammy said...

The pictures are just great! Keep them coming! Lucy is just the cutest! Is she teething? Looks like it with the fingers in the mouth! We love you all. Blessings. Grammy

Unknown said...

I live this last picture of her smiling in her little white hat. This is the first picture where she is smiling. So funny! I check your blog almost first thing I come to work in the morning and it makes my day. The girls have been following all the postings as well. You will be home in a week, can't wait! (You know how patient I am). Karen, are you going to try a fried worm at least once while you are there?

Julia, Stacey and Alice

Anonymous said...

Love the pictures, especially the one of Lucy smiling! I was the anonymous, don't know how to do it otherwise! You know we're keeping you guys in our prayers! Kim

Unknown said...

Hi Karen,
She looks so happy! It is amazing to see the difference in her personality via photo since Day 1.

In prep for your takeoff on the plane, my co-worker said having Lucy suck on a bottle when the plane is taking off and landing may help with the pressure changes and the ear pain that she might experience.