Saturday, December 12, 2009

more photos Day 10


Anonymous said...

Brian and Karen,
Thank you for your communication and more importantly the pictures. I have really enjoyed following your experience and have come to look forward to reading and seeing the newest part of your journey daily. I have cried a couple of times (the day you got Lucy) out of joy for you. Besides how absolutely adorable Lucy is, there is a light about her that is unmistaken. My heart is overfilled for you. I can't even begin to understand how happy you both must be.
Thanks again. Keep them coming.
Love you!

Anonymous said...

Karen and Brian, warm greetings from Boston!
I have to tell you a very important thing. Looking consequently to all photos from the beginning, it is clearly seen how Lucy's behavior and emotional state change for positive.
Her eyes, her expression, body language show the attachment to her parents.
So, best wishes, travel home safely!
Sergei and Natasha

Anonymous said...

Brian and Karen,
It has been so wonderful follow you throughout your time in China. It brought tears to my eyes to see the first pictures of you with Lucy. Such joy in your faces. I look forward to your daily postings about Lucy and your impressions of China. You are a very descriptive writer, and it was special to witness via your blog all your experiences. Your Mom and Dad were glowing as they showed everyone at the O'Malia's party the pictures of you both and Lucy.
Mary Paugh